DBA by research

Work-based DBA - £3500Doctorate of Business Administration

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DBA Programme at Glance:

DBA by research and dissertation is your opportunity during a doctorate programme to contribute new knowledge, theories or practices to your field. The point is to come up with an entirely new concept or examine and argue an old one. 


The primary purpose of the DBA research-based programme is to train the student in the processes of scholarly research and writing. After the student has graduated, it serves as a contribution to human knowledge, useful to other scholars and perhaps even to a more general audience. Therefore, R.B. College has established format standards that dissertations must meet before receiving final approval as fulfilment of graduate requirements.

Who can apply?

1.MBA degree or equivalent.

2.Applicants need to be in a full-time, part-time job or voluntary role.

3.Not less than 10 years of professional experience in an area related to the recognition they apply for.

4.Provide complete and comprehensive evidence of his/her qualification.

5.All documents/evidence provided must be:

  • Valid, current and satisfy the evaluation process requirements.
  • Reliable, means that assessors consistently reach the same equivalent assessment decision.
  • Authentic, refers to the question of whether the evidence being evaluated truly represents the individual’s own effort.
  • Sufficient, the evidence must completely satisfy the requirements of the assessment criteria being taken into consideration.

Recognition of award credit for prior learning:

The recognition may be awarded, where appropriate, for:

Formal Education:

This includes education and learning certifications that acknowledge how formal learning environments help students acquire information and skills. Formal education is education that has been certified by a reputable awarding or professional organisation.

Non-Formal Education:

The recognition of learning and accomplishment outside of systems of formal education or training. Training programmes, work experience, volunteer work, and other forms of occupational learning that aren’t typically certified but are still taken into account and recognised can all fall under this category.

Step 1:

Complete an application form to help the assessors in comprehending and accurately evaluating the student`s level of education, experience, and all other competencies the students have. All necessary supporting documentation must be provided with the application.

NB: 1-2 references MUST be provided when submitting the application.

Step 2:

After submitting the form, Assessors will examine each student’s case. Students may be contacted to provide additional information. (If needed)

Step 3:

Within two weeks, the student will receive an email stating whether he/she will be immediately entitled to obtain RPL recognition or not. However, if the evidence from RPL is only adequate to cover one or more assessment criteria or to partially meet the need for assessment criteria if this is the case, additional assessment methods should be used to generate the adequate evidence required to make a safe assessment decision, or the applicant will need to enrol in one or more courses to fully satisfy the criteria of the RPL.

Learner Entitlement

Module:  DBA Research-based

Assessment type:  Individual proposal (Research/Dissertation)

NB: The Case Study is subject to the college’s approval

Submission method:

Only Electronic Submission via the student’s registered email (Please hardcopies will not be accepted)

When submitting material, be sure to clearly identify your student registration number.  The E-submission Declaration Form must be read, filled out, and included as the first page of your electronic submission. MUST Keep working papers in a file (such as learning exercises, copied journal articles, or any other activity you engage in) and early drafts that back up the sources utilised and show that you did the work yourself. Notes should be legible and written in English because you may eventually need to provide this to the college.

This is a crucial condition:  You could be required to give this file to respond to inquiries about your assignment and submission in situations where it is challenging to determine your research authenticity (the research is genuine and credible). 

Assessment limits:

10000 words including the reference list (- or + 10%)

Assessment weighting:


N.B. To achieve the minimum pass you would need a full engagement, readings and completing tasks including following all the guidance of the programme to fulfilling all the requirements of the Programme.


  • All learners shall be entitled to apply for RPL if they satisfy the criteria and meet the specific requirements.
  • A learner should receive prompt, appropriate guidance and assistance on the rules after making an initial inquiry about RPL.
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